Frequently Asked Questions

We would love to answer all your questions. Please read our most frequently asked questions below and if your question is not answered here, send us an email.

Where do the herbs come from?

All the herbs in our tea range are sourced from reliable organic supply. The herbs are grown in various parts of the world. A few of the herbs are grown in New Zealand, and we are passionate about increasing the number of NZ direct suppliers where possible. There are a few herbs that we have not been able to source organically, so have opted for wildcrafted varieties and the best quality we can find.

What's the big dream?

We believe medicinal teas should be accessible to all people, for health, well-being, and the joyment of the tea drinking ritual. We envision our teas to be available across the country so that you have access them easily when you need them.

Who are Herbal Potential teas for?

Herbal Potential is designed for everyone and everybody. There is a blend for everyone! They are safe and easy to drink, hard to overdose on and yummy!

Where can I buy Herbal Potential Teas?

Herbal Potential teas can be purchased directly from us through the online shop or at your local stockist.

Why is the recommended steeping time so long for Herbal Potential teas?

Herbal Potential Teas are formulated for their medicinal effect and taste. The medicinal effect is best when steeped for 20 minutes. Herbal Potential Teas are still yummy if you don’t have that much time… just steep to taste!

Can I drink Herbal Potential teas during pregnancy and while breastfeeding?

There are some herbs which influence stages of pregnancy as well as milk production and should be taken with caution.

Sage can reduce lactation and can be used for weaning. Due to this effect, we do not recommend ‘Buzz’, ‘Voice’ and ‘Cool Flush’ Teas to women who are breastfeeding or int he last trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnant women who have had trouble with bleeding could avoid calendula.

Can I take herbal Potential teas if I am on prescription medication?


Herbal Potential Teas are safe and beneficial alongside pharmaceutical drugs. However, to avoid any sensitivity with powerful drugs, Herbal Potential Teas can be taken away from medication.

For more information on herb drug interactions talk to your Naturopath or other health care professional.

Why do the different Herbal Potential Teas look like they are different sizes?

All Herbal Potential Teas are packed by weight. Some blends contain more leaves and flowers which have more bulk and are lighter than seeds and bark, which are heavier. Herbal Teas also settle after packaging, and vary due to different cuts.

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