Meadowsweet Herb
(Filipendula ulmaria)
Meadowsweet is a great pain reliever and it settles your stomach.
It is an ‘excellent astringent to diarrhoea, less offensive to the stomach than other agents of its kind’.
Meadowsweet contains Salicylates (salicin & salicylic acid), flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, spiraeoside, tellimagrandine II, astragalin 2″-O-gallate, hyperoside 2″-O-gallate and isoquercitrin 2″-O-gallate), tannins, volatile oils, coumarins, mucilage, amino acids and minerals (Copper, Magnesium, Zinc).
$12.50 – $24.00
Meadowsweet is a great pain reliever and it settles your stomach.
It is an ‘excellent astringent to diarrhoea, less offensive to the stomach than other agents of its kind’.
Meadowsweet contains Salicylates (salicin & salicylic acid), flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, spiraeoside, tellimagrandine II, astragalin 2″-O-gallate, hyperoside 2″-O-gallate and isoquercitrin 2″-O-gallate), tannins, volatile oils, coumarins, mucilage, amino acids and minerals (Copper, Magnesium, Zinc).
- antacid (medicines that counteract (neutralise) the acid in your stomach to relieve indigestion and heartburn)
- anti-inflammatory
- astringent
- muco-protective
- diaphoretic
- pain reliever
- diarrhoea, dyspepsia, gastritis, GORD
- IBS and Peptic ulcer
- nausea, heartburn
- myalgia, rheumatism
- fever
- cystitis
- urinary stones