Linden Lime Flower & Leaf

(Tilia spp.)

Linden flowers are a fantastic herb for heart related problems like throbbing headaches and high blood pressure.

Linden flowers are gentle but very effective for children’s relaxant & support of restlessness, irritability, fevers and aches and pains.

Linden lime contains Flavonoids – quercetin, rutin, hyperoside, kaempferol, tiliroside, astragalin, Volatile oil – limonene, p-cymene, careen, germacrene-D, anethole, farnesol, Mucilage, Tannins (2%)


Linden flowers are a fantastic herb for heart-related problems like throbbing headaches and high blood pressure.

Linden flowers are gentle but very effective as children’s relaxant & support for restlessness, irritability, fevers and aches and pains.

Linden lime contains Flavonoids – quercetin, rutin, hyperoside, kaempferol, tiliroside, astragalin, Volatile oil – limonene, p-cymene, careen, germacrene-D, anethole, farnesol, Mucilage, Tannins (2%)

  1. sedative, relaxant
  2. peripheral vasodilator
  3. promotes sweating
  1. colds & influenza
  2. breathing problems
  3. fever
  4. headaches
  5. soothes digestion
  6. angina, arrhythmia, hypertension, palpitations
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